ok this is the second
saturday running now... mr chua..
my art teacher back in vs got jiekai to inform
some of us that he wanted a wall in the pri sch...
where he's the vp...mural painted so..jiekai got me and
kheng guan...and i thot why not? for the kids...i just hoped
i'd not destroy the wall by painting some
UGLY stuff that looks
like everything but sunflowers. . . mr chua wanted this wall to be
painted with sunflowers...now imagine a sunflower field! feels very
serene doesn't it? ;) ok so last sat we started..i DIDN't know where
to start or how to start..i was never known as a painter..i painted
very badly always couldn't make out wat i was painting...lol...and
so i started..i painted one sunflower...took me hours..like 2hrs?
but it turned out fine..haha and they put me in charge of the
flowers then jiekai took the clouds.. HE'S and expert with
clouds and leaves, KhEnG GuAn..he paints leaves well
because of his wavy brushstrokes..suits the
subject matter.. AND mr chua...seriously
i dunno wat he's in charge
touching up? i think so
i had
painted very long only taking one
short lunch break, in the end we
painted about 7 hours
concentration midway.. but well, we had to continue...oh ya and last week we had a ke4 chuan4...pei kang me vs aep track senior...so we got most of the wall painted..just lacked the details...today, we focused on the details...and we had kang wei with us this week...he came for a while only cos he had sth on..HAHA and we had a free MEAL...at thai express courtesy of mr chua...so this week we got most of the wall done including most of the details..now we just have to finish up a portion of the leaves part...some more stalks of flowers and DONE...i'm excited..can't wait to see the finished product...since we are not bad in mural painting, we were thinking of doing it for some money...so if anyone is interested, come look for us! i enjoyed myself and till now i have never regretted taking art in vs...AEP was my fav sub...in fact i'd probably have regretted not taking aep...haha remember...if you're lookin for mural painters...look for us!